What category am I in?
Yale Hindi Debate fields three separate categories.
Non-Native, Non-Heritage: People who are not from Hindi-speaking and/or South Asian descent, and are not currently residing in South Asia, who are learning Hindi as an additional language.
Heritage: People who are from either Hindi-speaking and/or South Asian descent, but are not currently residing in South Asia.
Native: People who are from either Hindi-speaking and/or South Asian descent, and are currently residing in South Asia.
How much will I be reimbursed?
Reach out to yhdpresident@gmail.com for information on reimbursement for the event.
In the subject line, indicate whether you are looking for reimbursement as a visiting student or as a judge.
How many people are allowed per university?
Each university is allowed to send 2 participants, with each participant necessarily belonging to a different category.